Sunday 7 May 2017

Amd 65 Stock Options

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Capitalização sobre o sucesso do AK-47 design, engenheiros militares nos anos 1950 e 60 começou a projetar mais leve, mais compacto AK plataformas que seriam utilizados por forças aéreas, bem como secundário Tropas, como tripulantes de tanques, comboios de abastecimento, polícia militar, pessoal de ordenanças e vários outros tipos de REMF. O húngaro AMD-65 é um dos desenhos mais onipresentes produzidos como resultado desta experiência. Pense nisso como versão commie do M-1 Carbine, mas com um pouco mais bite8230 Embora uma vez obscuro, o AMD-65 tem visto um pouco de um renascimento ultimamente devido ao seu serviço no Afeganistão ea recente importação de kits de peças. Na verdade, semi-auto AMD-65 constrói feito de kits de peças excedentes são uma visão bastante comum em lojas de armas em todo o país. Neste artigo, testar o TG International (TGI) SA 2000M AMD-65, uma construção freqüentemente encontrada com base no FG SA 2000M. A SA 2000M é uma variante de 10-shot Clinton-Era AK, de uma única pilha, projetada durante as idades escuras da Proibição de Armas de Assalto (AWB) para o mercado dos EUA. Neste artigo, nós testar este filhote de cachorro e deixá-lo saber se seu vale o preço de 500-600 pedindo. Como um bônus extra, nós testamos o UltiMAKs M7-B ferroviário e AMD65Techs estoque adaptador, sling loop, e tampão de recuo, também. Ok, antes de entrarmos nos detalhes da reconstrução de TGI que está sendo testada aqui, vamos falar um pouco de história e doutrina, então sabemos exatamente o que essa arma foi originalmente destinada a realizar. Uma Breve História da FG e da Evolução da AMD-65 A AMD-65 original foi feita em Budapeste, Hungria pela FG. Pelo que eu entendo, o FG está extinto. O nome mais recentemente representava o Gpgyr de Fegyver. Que, de acordo com a Wikipedia, se traduz em 8220Arms e Machine Factory, 8221, embora ao mesmo tempo que representava outros nomes, incluindo Fegger s Gazkaszulekgar (Armas e Gás Appliances Company.) Interessante combo, eh Antes do seu desaparecimento, FG tinha sido no negócio Em vários disfarces e propriedade desde o final dos anos 1800. Fabricava a maior parte, senão todas, das armas pequenas para as Forças de Defesa húngaras. A empresa entrou em falência em 2004, quando, de acordo com a Wikipedia, muitos de seus mercados de exportação tradicionais foram colocados sob embargo. Os estudantes da história recordam que a Hungria era um aliado nominal dos alemães na Segunda Guerra Mundial, e o país foi palco de violentos combates nos primeiros meses de 1945. De fato, foi na Hungria que a divisão de elite de Hitler, SS-Liebstandarte, Foi finalmente reduzido ao caos pelos soviéticos. Bem, o retorno, como se costuma dizer, é uma puta que os soviéticos transformaram a Hungria em um estado fantoche em 1945. O exército húngaro veio sob o guarda-chuva do Pacto de Varsóvia e, como resultado, adotou a doutrina militar soviética e equipamentos. A URSS estava mais do que feliz em vender armas a todos os seus estados fantoches, mas alguns de seus novos amigos, incluindo a Hungria, estavam orgulhosos demais para comprar as importações Russki. A Hungria desenvolveu seu próprio clone moído AK-47 no meio dos anos 50. Em 1963, a FG desenvolveu o AKM-63, que era basicamente uma arma tipo receptor (isto é, AKM) com algumas modificações. Dois anos mais tarde, em 1965, a FG desenvolveu a AMD-65, que se destinava a ser uma versão mais leve e mais compacta do AKM-63. Apresentava um curto tambor de 12,5 polegadas, um estoque de fio fino oco, um foregrip vertical e Um focinho-freio, todos vindo em menos de 6 quilos. Os critérios de design para a AMD-65 enfatizaram os seguintes atributos: Menor, mais leve e mais fácil de transportar do que o AKM-63 Mesmo calibre, manual de armas e interface do operador como o AKM-63 utilizável por ambos os oficiais e tropas aerotransportadas compensador para Reduziu a elevação do focinho 20 material de dobra tubular do compartimento redondo que permitiu a operação de gatilho quando dobrado Como o D no nome de AMD indica, era destinado para uso por unidades de pára-quedistas, mas vários outros ramos das forças armadas húngaras, tais como infantaria mecanizada , Armaduras e unidades de apoio, também se interessaram. Isto era consistente com a doutrina soviética dos anos 50, cuja VAZÃO pediu para emitir um rifle AKS de armação dobrável para suas forças aéreas de elite e infantaria mecanizada. Na Segunda Guerra Mundial, os soviéticos equiparam a maioria de suas forças de elite, como suas unidades de Guardas, com tantos metralhadoras de curto alcance, totalmente automáticas (PSsh 41, PHs 43, emprestam arrendamento Thompsons M1928s, etc.) mãos em. De fato, logo após a Segunda Guerra Mundial terminou, os soviéticos fizeram a transição de cartuchos de tamanho submetralhista e cartuchos de potência máxima de Mosin-Nagant (7,62 x 54R) em favor da rodada intermediária de tamanho único que todos conhecemos e amamos: a M43 (7,62 x 39). Os soviéticos sabiam que teriam superioridade numérica em qualquer batalha, de modo que sua doutrina exigia que a infantaria mecanizada se fechasse rapidamente com o inimigo e se envolvesse em um combate agressivo de curta distância depois de descolar de táxis de batalha como o BTR-50P, o BMP-1, BDM e BTR 60. Rifles que disparam 600-800 metros com precisão não foram considerados muito importantes. Em vez disso, pequenas mangueiras de bala compacta que poderiam ser usadas dentro de veículos e tinham taxas de produção suficientes para ganhar superioridade de fogo a curto alcance (lt200 metros) foram altamente favorecidas. Visto desta maneira, o AMD-65 parece ser um resultado natural da doutrina e da ação soviética: uma espingarda de assalto curta e leve, alojada em cartuchos de potência de alcance intermediário destinados a atingir a superioridade do fogo em combate de curto alcance. Claro, raspar um par de libras e alguns centímetros de barril e estoque fora de uma arma vai introduzir algumas novas questões não aparentes na arma original. Os críticos da AMD-65 geralmente citam três áreas problemáticas: diminuição da amplitude e precisão devido ao barril curto, queimaduras de calor a partir do protetor de mão de metal não blindado e preocupações de confiabilidade. Talvez a maior queixa seja a reputação da AMD-65 por ter um alcance efetivo limitado. É lógico que encurtar um barril AK de um pouco mais de 16 polegadas para um pouco mais de 12 polegadas resultará em fazer um projeto relativamente impreciso ainda mais impreciso, ou assim se poderia pensar. Embora parte desta imprecisão percebida pode resultar de um barril mais curto, o culpado principal reside no menor raio de visão. Obviamente, quanto menor a distância entre as vistas frontal e traseira, maior é o potencial para apontar erros. Para acomodar um freio de focinho mais comprido, a mira frontal é afastada do focinho do que em muitos projetos AK. A foto acima mostra uma comparação com um AKMS padrão. Você vai notar que o post AMD-65s da frente é de quatro (4) polegadas mais perto do poste de visão traseira do que o AKMS (Mas isso não é o único culpado. IMHO, o maior fator que leva à falta de percepção de precisão com a AMD -65 é a falta de uma solda bochecha sobre o estoque de butt. O estoque de butt é um único pedaço de aço oco e it8217s moldado de modo que ele dá bastante espaço livre para o identificador de carga e alavanca de segurança. Infelizmente, ele dá a Shooter nada para descansar sua transportadora de cérebro, e, portanto, proíbe a boa precisão para todos, mas os melhores atiradores treinados. A segunda queixa refere-se a handguard forward que é feito de chapa (ver foto acima). Protetores de mão de polímero com protetores térmicos de metal embutidos. Abreviatura AMD-65s metal nu, não blindado conduz calor. De acordo com pelo menos um relatório do Afeganistão, a polícia afegã equipada com a AMD-65 se queixam de que quando disparam vários 30-round Revistas através de t Herdeiro AMD-65s, o handguard pode tornar-se demasiado quente ao toque. Mas o problema relatado é mais provável um reflexo do treinamento deficiente mais fogo apontado e menos jihad-inspirado over-the-head-sem-alvo mag dumps iria curar esse problema em todas as batalhas, mas o mais aquecido. A terceira acusação refere-se a alegados problemas de fiabilidade. Ao contrário de muitas variantes na linha de Kalashnikov, o AMD-65 é relatado para ter uma reputação entre a polícia afegã para paradas inoportunas. Pessoalmente, sou céptico desta queixa. Embora eu tenha poucas dúvidas de que as unidades da polícia afegã provavelmente fazem um mau trabalho de manter suas armas, acho difícil acreditar que qualquer variante de AK seria menos confiável do que a plataforma de AR nessa parte do mundo. No entanto, o AMD-65 parece ter obtido alguma imprensa ruim ultimamente, por isso ainda mais razão para testá-lo e ver por mim mesmo. Naturalmente, Portland, Oregon, está muito longe do Afeganistão (obrigado, Senhor), então meu teste não será capaz de replicar as condições no Cemitério dos Impérios. TG International SA Conversão 2000M TG International (TGI), localizado em Knoxville, Tennessee, vende peças excedentes militares e acessórios. De acordo com o seu site, têm vindo a importar orgulhosamente o excedente de melhor qualidade da Rússia, Bulgária, Roménia, Hungria, Finlândia, Alemanha, Polónia, República Checa e Áustria há mais de uma dúzia de anos. Há alguns anos atrás, a TGI conseguiu um bando de FEG SA 2000Ms que eram um projeto de AK single-stack post-ban que veio com uma revista proprietária single-stack de 10 voltas e um estoque de thumbhole inspirado em Choate Dragunov. A FEG SA 2000M foi originalmente fabricada na Hungria e importada em 1999-2000 pelo KBI e pelo RSR. A SA 2000M aparentemente não vendeu muito bem, então ainda havia muitos assentados em armazéns de revendedores quando a AWB partiu para o pôr-do-sol em 2004. Liberada daquela lei estúpida, muitos dos estoques remanescentes de SA 2000Ms foram convertidos pela TGI e Outros para lidar com mags AK de pilha dupla convencionais. A pistola de amostra possui peças de controle de incêndio da Tapco, o receptor original da FEG eo cilindro FEG originais, cromado, que foi cortado a 12,68243 polegadas. A fim de manter a arma de ser considerado um rifle de cano curto NFA pelo BATF, uma extensão de canhão combinação e freio focinho é permanentemente soldado para o barril para atingir o comprimento do barril mágico total de 16 polegadas. A TGI também expandiu o mag bem para aceitar revistas AK-47 padrão (dupla pilha). Qualidade geral da conversão é muito bom: funcional, mas não é bonito. Claro, a minha principal preocupação quando eu comprar uma arma construída a partir de peças excedentes é que ele funciona corretamente e é razoavelmente preciso. Nesses dois departamentos, a TGI acertou. A pistola de amostragem foi 100 confiável e, como discutido em mais detalhe abaixo, é surpreendentemente preciso. Outra agradável surpresa foi o fato de que os pontos turísticos estavam mortos na direita fora da caixa. Assim, considerando o preço (aproximadamente 500.00), eu penso que a maioria de entusiastas da arma estaria satisfeito. Há, no entanto, duas decepções. Primeiro, muitas das construções de TGI (a pistola de amostra incluída) têm muito jogo entre a alça do compartimento traseiro e o reboque do compartimento na proteção do gatilho. Como resultado, as revistas têm uma tendência a balançar para cima e para baixo e lado a lado por um 116 de uma polegada ou assim. Nada disso parece afetar a confiabilidade de armas, mas é meio irritante. Certamente, o ruído gerado por mag rattle poderia ser um problema em uma situação tática. Ive descobriu que alguns mags se encaixam melhor do que outros, então vale a pena comprar ao redor. TGI navios a arma com o que parecem ser Pro-Mag waffle mags que são partes dos EUA que são provavelmente necessários para alcançar 922 conformidade. Uma segunda decepção decorre do fato de que TGI realmente cortar cantos sobre o trabalho de pintura. Eu não tenho certeza se eles usaram uma lata regular de Krylon diretamente fora da prateleira em Home Depot ou não, mas eles podem também ter. O que eles usaram, é uma merda. Com menos de 1000 rodadas downrange, a carabina commie reconstruir está mostrando desgaste considerável já, como as fotos abaixo demonstram: Talvez a arma de amostra aconteceu de ser feita em uma tarde de sexta-feira às 4:30. Eu estava em um show de armas na semana passada eu vi um revendedor com um TGI AMD-65 que exibiu muito melhor ajuste e acabamento do que esta arma de amostra. Ele também a beechwood handgrips, que são melhor que procuram, embora um pouco menos confortáveis. Assim talvez pague para comprar ao redor se você estiver no mercado para uma destas armas. De qualquer forma, imaginei que essa revisão seria mais interessante se a amostra de teste fosse personalizada um pouco. Então eu liguei para as pessoas boas em UltiMAK e AMD65Tech e pedir-lhes para me enviar alguns acessórios para testes e avaliação. Ambos gentilmente obrigado. Eu nunca fui um fã do arranjo típico da vista da tangente em armas do estilo do AK. Como um miúdo, eu aprendi a disparar usando as vistas tangent no Ruger 1022 e elas pareceram sempre trabalhar bem. Mas no colégio, eu fui introduzido para as visões de abertura do M-16 eo HK-91, e tudo mudou: eu tenho estragado. Desde então, acho que há algo sobre o AKs ferro vistas design que torna difícil de usar com precisão. E como minha visão fica pior com a idade, esses tipos de pontos turísticos tornam-se ainda mais problemático. Então, para mim, ter óptica em um AK é obrigatório. Infelizmente, Mikhail Kalashnikov não projetou o AK-47 com a ótica em mente, então instalá-los em um AK pode ser um pouco um desafio. Qualquer pessoa que deseje instalar uma óptica em uma variante típica de AK terá quatro opções básicas: (1) Montagem Scout que substitui o conjunto do tubo de gás do amplificador de proteção superior da mão (2) Montagem do suporte do trilho lateral. (3) Trilhos que se fixam ao suporte de poste traseiro. (4) Trilhos que substituem a tampa do receptor, incluindo, por exemplo, o trilho de escada para pernas com cobertura de poeira integral. Embora esteja além do escopo desta revisão para discutir os méritos relativos de cada um desses projetos, é justo dizer que cada um apresenta seu próprio conjunto de desafios e limitações. Neste caso, nós decidimos resolver em um design de montagem scout porque ele doesn8217t interferir com o dis-assembly do rifle. Desfrutando da mania de tacticool, AK scout rails estão agora disponíveis da Midwest Industries, Krebs, Samson, bem como ofertas menos caras de Tapco, UTG, Leapers e outros. O trilho UltiMAK original ainda é o melhor, na minha opinião, porque it8217s baixo o suficiente para permitir que você mantenha a sua bochecha de solda e co-testemunhar suas vistas de ferro. UltiMAK é um negócio pequeno, familiar e operado baseado fora da pequena cidade de Moscou, Idaho. Eles originalmente começaram a fabricar trilhos de montagem para a plataforma AK em 2000 e imediatamente encontraram um público receptivo do público que comprava armas. Motivado por seu sucesso inicial, a empresa agora faz trilhos semelhantes para M-1 carabinas, M-1 Garands, M-1As, Ruger Mini-14s e espingardas Saiga. O trilho M7-B é o modelo que se adapta ao AMD-65. Como todos os trilhos da linha UltiMAK, o M7-B é CNC fabricado a partir de um tarugo sólido de liga de alumínio 6061-T6. O trilho é duro anodizado em um revestimento traseiro liso. Em geral, o ajuste eo acabamento são de primeira classe, com tolerâncias muito apertadas e sem marcas de usinagem visíveis. O trilho se prende diretamente ao cano através de duas braçadeiras em forma de U e quatro parafusos Allen carnudos. A instalação da versão AMD-65 deste trilho é um pouco mais complicado do que os trilhos padrão de AK porque o AMD-65 tem um handguard that8217s feito do metal ao contrário dos projetos padrão da madeira ou do plástico. A instalação do M7-B em um AMD-65 requer a remoção de aproximadamente 18 polegadas do handguard para aproximadamente uma tira de 3 polegadas em ambos os lados do lado superior do handguard. Se você estiver acessível com uma ferramenta Dremel, isso não deve ser problema. Infelizmente, as instruções dos fabricantes weren8217t específico para o AMD-65, então você é deixado para os seus próprios dispositivos quanto a exatamente quanto material para remover do handguard aço. Esperemos que UltiMAK adicione algumas fotos específicas do AMD-65 ou um modelo específico do AMD-65 a suas instruções em algum momento. Eu tinha comprado recentemente uma ferramenta Dremel, e este projeto foi a minha primeira vez usá-lo. Acontece que eu era um pouco de um Dremel Neanderthal, mas depois de cerca de duas horas de cortes incrementais, eu finalmente conseguiu obter o handguard para caber sobre os trilhos retendo suportes. Infelizmente, eu também consegui grind fora um grande pedaço de pintura do handguard. Rut-roh, Rel-roy. Tanto para mim conseguir um emprego no Les Baer Custom a qualquer momento em breve. Como o UltiMAK M7-B é montado diretamente no barril, eu esperava ter um turno de POI importante. Felizmente a mudança, embora perceptível, foi muito mínima e facilmente fixado por drifting a visão frontal. Tenho feito cerca de cinco viagens para a gama com o UltiMAK ferroviário equipado AMD-65 e estou muito satisfeito com este produto. Depois de quase 1000 rodadas, ele didn8217t soltar-se em tudo, eo acabamento tem sido muito durável. Primeiro montei um Aimpoint Comp 2 na carabina, mas decidi que eu não gostava de ter tanto peso extra na frente da arma. Então eu acabei instalando uma óptica mais leve: o Vortex SPARC. Talvez um dia vá para um Aimpoint T-1, mas por enquanto eu estava tentando manter a arma debaixo de um grande. O SPARC é leve o suficiente para que você mal perceba isso, ao contrário do Comp 2, ele doesn8217t alterar o equilíbrio da arma. Algumas pessoas criticaram o design UltiMAK, alegando que o trem vai ficar tão quente que vai derreter sua óptica. Tanto faz. Talvez aqueles aspirantes a Rambo que gostam de fazer cinco ou seis baterias 75-rd através de seu AK tão rápido como eles podem puxar o gatilho pode ter um problema. Claro, aqueles caras realmente deveriam estar filmando RPKs, não um AMD-65. Por outro lado, se você é um desses caras que realmente pretende quando você atirar, você não tem um problema. Percorremos vários cursos de combate semelhantes aos que foram montados para competições de três canhões e o UltiMAK não se aqueceu o suficiente para nos dar qualquer preocupação com a óptica. Sim, o trem ficou quente, mas não tão quente. Uma grande coisa sobre a América é que o espírito empreendedor ainda está vivo e bem. Existem muitas pessoas de talento lá fora, que vai comprar um produto, descobrir como ele pode ser melhorado, e iniciar uma pequena empresa destinada a produzir produtos para atender às necessidades percebidas e deficiências existentes. Gio Vanderhider é um daqueles caras. Gio e sua esposa Valerie executar AMD65Tech fora de sua casa em Grapevine, Texas. Gio é um veterano da Força Aérea dos EUA que adora fazer gunsmithing e usinagem e tem uma tonelada de talento cru. Ele desenvolveu um seguimento leal entre os entusiastas da AMD-65 para seus acessórios. Gio teve a amabilidade de me enviar alguns de seus produtos para testes, e eu não posso dizer o suficiente sobre o quão grato eu sou. Gio viu a promessa no design AMD-65 quando ele construiu seu primeiro de um kit de peças. Ele rapidamente se concentrou em suas deficiências e decidiu fazer algo sobre eles. Primeiro, ele fixou a maior limitação de projeto projetando um riser simples para o estoque da AMD-65s. Seu adaptador de estoque é feito de aço sólido e firmemente envolto em tubos de vácuo de borracha. A unidade é anexada ao estoque usando dois conjuntos de parafusos com anilhas de trava. It8217s terminou no preto do semi-brilho usando a alta temperatura, pintura elevada da abrasão-resistente. Se a arma fosse pintada tão bem. O adaptador de estoque faz uma enorme diferença nas características de tiro e manipulação da arma. Ao manter o seu Mark I Eyeball no mesmo local tiro após tiro, você obtém mais preciso e repetível alinhamento visual, aumentando muito a precisão da arma. Como um outro bônus, o adaptador não tem nenhum efeito na operação do punho do parafuso. Se você montá-lo em um plano vertical preciso sobre o estoque, ele poderia interferir com a manipulação da alavanca de segurança quando o estoque está na posição dobrada. No entanto, você pode ajustar para que, ligeiramente compensar (canting) o adaptador da vertical para permitir a depuração para a segurança. Para meus propósitos, it8217s não é um problema independentemente. Se eu tivesse que carregar a arma com o buttstock dobrado, estaria em uma circunstância modificada 3 (isto é, compartimento cheio locked na câmara vazia, segurança fora). Se você estiver operando em uma área onde você espera contato hostil, a AMDs butt-estoque deve ser estendido, como it8217s não a coisa mais fácil de implantar em curto prazo. A foto anterior, acima, também mostra o loop de sling AMD65Techs. Este é um acessório pequeno acessível se seu AMD-65 doesn8217t tiver o acessório de laço de sling de fábrica. É simplesmente parafusos sobre o buttstock, e fornece um ponto de fixação sólida para o sling. A pintura que é usada neste pequeno dispositivo pode exigir algum retoque ocasionalmente com Duracoat ou algo semelhante nessas linhas. O último produto que Gio me enviou foi um amortecedor de retrocesso. Este dispositivo não é nada mais do que um sólido bloco de borracha que he8217s habilmente cortado e montado no AMD-65. Gio relata os seguintes aprimoramentos de desempenho do amortecedor de recuo: Diminuição do recuo do feltro Redução do estresse e fadiga devido ao contato metal-metal Aumento da velocidade da ação, devido ao efeito de mola da borracha Redução de ruído Cobertura de poeira mais apertada Impede que o atolamento ocorra em Armas que podem ter desgastado rails do receptor Agora eu tenho que dizer, I8217ve teve experiências misturadas com buffers do recoil. Eles podem ser grandes em full-auto armas porque muitas vezes diminuem a taxa cíclica. Eu corro religiosamente buffers de Buffer Technologies em meus HK 91 e HK 93. Mas eu comprei uma vez Buffer Technologies AKValmet Buffer Recoil e tudo o que fez foi fazer com que meus Armas Vector AKMS para bloquear repetidamente. No entanto, eu tentei buffer Gios no TGI AMD-65 construir e ficou satisfeito com o seu desempenho. O maior efeito é 8211 como you8217d esperam 8211 reduzido sentiu retrocesso. O efeito é sutil no início, mas fica mais perceptível após um longo dia de filmagem. O efeito é mais pronunciado em dias quentes, quando a borracha natural está no seu mais suave. A unidade é muito robusto e eu não vejo isso se esgotando em breve. Uma coisa a ter em mente se você usar o buffer é que ele reduz a distância que o parafuso viaja para a retaguarda. Se você tiver um parafuso prender aberto corte em sua segurança, você pode precisar para obter uma nova segurança porque a localização do corte vai mudar como resultado do buffer. Gio vende alavancas de segurança que são pré-cortadas para trabalhar com o buffer. E falando de pintura, Gio8217s também um pedaço de um artista. As fotos exibidas acima mostram as habilidades de Gios com um pincel. A imagem superior destaca um dos Gios pessoal AMD-65 constrói, que é terminado em um padrão de rainha de tigre da era do Vietnã. A segunda foto mostra um AK romeno pintado em um padrão de camo de neve. A pintura de TGI na arma da amostra de teste é tão atroz Im indo enviá-la a Gio para ter o tigre listrado uma vez que eu esquilo afastado algum dinheiro extra. Estes são revestimentos altamente intensivos de mão-de-obra, então eu não espero que seja um projeto barato. fique atento para os resultados. Tiro e Exatidão Resultados AK-47s e suas variantes nunca foram conhecidos por serem armas particularmente precisas. De minha experiência (possuindo oito variantes de AK e dezenas de tiro de outros), eu estimaria que a maioria AKs atirar em que 3-4 gama MOA. No entanto, é a minha observação pessoal de que é difícil para a maioria dos atiradores americanos conseguirem melhor do que 4 8211 8 MOA a 100 metros usando uma variante AK de ações com mira de ferro, independentemente de quem fabricou a arma. Dito isto, grande parte do potencial inerente de precisão do AK é simplesmente perdido devido ao fato de que as visões primitivas da era da Primeira Guerra Mundial são mal projetadas e têm um curto raio de visão (as vistas frontal e traseira são apenas 15 polegadas distantes uma da outra Em uma variante AK típica). Como discutido anteriormente, este último problema é ainda mais ampliado em um AMD-65, uma vez que as vistas são apenas 11 centímetros de distância. Porque eu não estava esperando muito desta arma no departamento de precisão, eu tenho que dizer que eu estava completamente deslumbrado com os resultados de campo. Usando uma mira de ponto vermelho não magnificante Aimpoint Comp 2 (4 MOA), consegui os seguintes grupos de 3 disparos a 50 jardas (todos os resultados foram medidos em polegadas): 1,0, 1,2, 1,4, 1,6, 1,75, 1,8, 1,9, 2,2 , 2,2, 2,4. Eu estava usando a qualidade decente de 123 grãos de munição de bola de Remington (UMC) e American Eagle, embora reconhecidamente eu não fiz qualquer anotações a respeito de qual munição tiro que grupos (eu sei, eu sei amador erro. Estes tiros foram feitos a partir de um banco de tiro, eo rifle foi descansado em sacos de areia. O grip de pistola frontal tende a ficar no caminho quando atirar dessa maneira, mas eu tentei ficar o mais estável possível. Eu atribuo o alto grau de variação no tamanho do grupo a dois fatores: 1) o foregrip vertical torna difícil o repouso, e 2) o ponto Aimpoints áspero 4-MOA é projetado para maximizar a velocidade, não a precisão. Achei que a pequena carabina poderia fazer ainda melhor do que se eu pudesse obter o benefício de uma pequena ampliação do escopo. Então, eu fui a uma loja de artigos esportivos locais com a intenção de comprar um escopo escote, mas eles não têm qualquer em estoque. Em vez disso, eu comprei um Vortex Tactical SPARC. SPARC aparentemente significa Speed ​​Point Apontando para Rapid Combat. Aposta doente os ninjas do mall comerá esse sht acima. Eu realmente não espero estar em qualquer combate rápido a qualquer momento em breve, mas eu escolhi o Vortex sobre o praticamente idêntico (feito na mesma fábrica chinesa) Bushnell TRS-25, porque o Vortex vem com um atarraxador 2x acoplador que eu pensei que poderia ser útil Para testar a precisão da AMD. Para este segundo teste, eu também peguei 80 rodadas de Winchester caixa branca 123 bola de grãos em Wally-World. Os resultados foram novamente surpreendentes. De dez cordas de três tiros disparadas a 50 jardas, duas estavam na faixa de 1 MOA e outras duas estavam na faixa de 2 MOA (1,03 pol. E 1,193 pol.), Com o restante caindo A gama MOA de 3 a 4 (1,5 a 2,0 polegadas). A ampliação 2x tornou as coisas um pouco mais fáceis em comparação com o Comp 2, e, sem dúvida, contas para aqueles grupos de meia polegada. Eu encontrei um problema bastante significativo com a compilação TGI. Depois de atirar agressivamente em um dia particularmente frio, a solda que mantém a extensão do cano na arma rachou, deixando o freio do focinho solto. Isso poderia ser uma situação perigosa, porque uma rodada pode bater o freio do focinho, uma vez que sai do barril. Este pode ser um problema único com esta arma particular, como o TGI AMD-65 eu vi no show de armas na semana passada parecia ter uma solda muito maior e mais agressiva. Felizmente para mim, um armeiro local que se especializa em trabalho AK re-pinned e re-soldado a ruptura de uma forma mais forte, por apenas 40,00. Se você é Oregon, e precisa de algum trabalho AK feito, ligue para Jesse no 762llc No geral, estou muito satisfeito com a construção TCI AMD-65, todas as questões cosméticas de lado. Mais importante, sua luz, precisa e confiável. Além disso, não mostrava as fraquezas comuns típicas de muitas das construções AK de gama baixa, como o poste de visão inclinado, as ações de dobra soltas, etc. O som estridente da revista de tamanho grande é um pouco chato, mas não Parecem afetar a confiabilidade, então eu acho que posso viver com isso. TGIs acabamento de pintura cagado é esteticamente desagradável, mas doesn8217t afetar função. Aqueles que procuram um acabamento de boa aparência e alta durabilidade vão querer considerar Duracoating a carabina-se ou enviá-lo para AMD65Tech para deixar Gio trabalhar sua magia sobre ele. Eu também recomendo usar a óptica com o seu AMD-65, que faz algo ao longo das linhas do UltiMAK M7-B ferroviário uma necessidade. E falando de necessidades, eu simplesmente não posso imaginar possuir um AMD-65 sem que AMD65Tech estoque adaptador. Calibre 7.62x39mm Ação. Clássico AKM: gás operado semi-auto, parafuso giratório, haste pistão pistão. Capacidade. 5, 20, 30, 45 rodada revistas de caixa destacável destacável, 75 tambores redondos. Comprimento total . 27 polegadas dobrado, 33,5 estendido. Comprimento do tambor. 12,5 polegadas (16,125 pol. w de quebra permanente do focinho) Peso. 5,8 lbs. Descarregado Vistas: Visão tangente graduada 100-8001000 metros. Terminar . Crappy pintura preço. 500-600 (Retail Street Price) a partir de dezembro de 2011. Durante o 2009 Obama-scare dias, os preços destes filhotes foi até cerca de 650-800, então você pode encontrar alguns vendedores que buscam re-coup seu (mau) investimento . Dito isto, se cringe 8211 Obama obtém um segundo mandato, espera outra corrida em munição e armas malignas pretas. Style amp Aesthetics Desde que eu era criança, eu pensei que o AMD-65 era legal procurando. Talvez seja aquele frango-focinho de aparência doentia. Por outro lado, tenho certeza que quem teve a idéia brilhante de usar uma segunda pistola grip (instalado para trás) como um fore-grip vertical recebeu algum tipo de Partido Comunista Peoples Engineering Eficiência adjudicação. E o que exatamente possuíram os húngaros para fazer aqueles apertos de polipropileno que os apertos de cor esquisita greenblue verde-mercado estão disponíveis aqui: Ergonomia (Shooting) Sem adaptador AMD-65Tech Stock com AMD-65Tech Stock Adapter O aperto vertical frontal é canted para a frente em um Estranho ângulo que deixa muito a desejar. O estoque de fio padrão AMD-65 doesn8217t fornecer o operador com qualquer tipo de bochecha de solda, o que dificulta severamente a precisão. O último problema pode ser corrigido com o riser de estoque AMD65Tech, enquanto o primeiro pode ser resolvido com o UltiMAKs AK Modular Rail Forend System 8211 Modelo Compacto. Ergonomia (transporte) A AMD-65 é pequena, leve e compacta. Ele me lembra de um estoque de dobramento M-1 Carbine tanto em termos de tamanho e peso. Se o seu AMD-65 doesn8217t tem uma montagem traseira sling, AMD65Techs sling loop é o bilhete. Confiabilidade A pistola de teste funcionou com a eficiência típica AK 8211 100 confiabilidade. Use a excelente graxa de lítio Lubriplate Aero para mantê-lo lubrificado para a direita. Lubriplatewebstoredetail. aspxID14 Personalizar isto Embora as opções para personalizar uma variante AK aren8217t tão grande como um AR, ainda existem produtos de pós-mercado suficientes para satisfazer até mesmo o ninja mais hardcore mall. No entanto, as variantes AKMS aren8217t o tipo de rifle que você deseja pesar com um monte de doo-paizinhos KISS é o caminho a percorrer. Eu recomendo altamente o riser conservado em estoque de AMD65Tech assim como o trilho excelente de M7-B de UltiMAK. Se você tem alguns extras Benjamins queimando um buraco em seu bolso, UltiMAKs AK Modular Rail Forend System 8211 modelo compacto e um aftergrip vertical aftermarket são complementos de boa aparência. Precisão A convencional AK projeta aren8217t que vai ganhar todos os prêmios para a exatidão. No entanto, com base nos meus dois grupos de meia polegada 50 jardas, I8217d dizer esta amostra particular tem a capacidade teórica de fotografar 1 MOA em 100 metros. Sua precisão prática real é um pouco menor do que a 8211 provavelmente na vizinhança MOA 2-4. Globalmente, se alguém me perguntar que papel o AMD-65 é mais adequado para I8217d tem que dizer que it8217s a carabina ideal para ambientes selva. Eu tive a oportunidade de passar algum tempo em pântanos em Louisiana e Flórida, bem como selvas no Havaí, Panamá, Filipinas, Tailândia, Vietnã, Laos e Camboja, e eu posso dizer se eu tinha que ser armado em qualquer um desses ambientes , I8217d chegar para a AMD-65 sobre qualquer outra arma bar nenhum. The 7.6221539 round is ideal for bustin through heavy cover, and the short lightweight carbine would be much easier to wield in the tangle of vines and thickets you8217d encounter in those environments. And it8217s great at the range, too. Fortunately, the agency does not decide your guilt or innocence 8211 the Constitution reserves that job for a court of law, and a jury of your peers. If you were in that situation and really wanted to be on the safe side, you could temporarily take the stock off the gun, thereby making the gun a pistol. You would need to keep the stock in someone else8217s possession or otherwise make it unavailable. Another way to deal with the situation is to disassemble the gun so that it is no longer functioning, again, keeping some of the key parts somewhere away from your immidiate possession. In my estimation, all that is a bit overkill, esp. if you are not a guy that is otherwise in the government8217s crosshairs for other reasons. Besides, my understanding is that the BATF has since issued a clarification on its ill-advised shoelace order. It would not be the first time a federal agency got it wrong remember the whole ketchup is a vegetable thing Reagan took a lot of flak for that, even thought it could be attributed to some fairly low-level bureaucrats at Dept of Ag. I believe once a firearm is a 8220rifle8221 it can never be converted to a pistol, (might be the other way around though) much like the short barreled shotguns that are AOW8217s, they never had a stock fixed to the reciever so they are not shotguns but 8216smooth bore pistols over 50 caliber8217. Thankfully you would most likley get a jury, and any jury in the country would be hard pressed to convict you because of a defective product. Wow Joe. Tons of work in this. Obrigado. I have an AMD 65 mod:SA2000m by TGI and it jams or 8220stove pipes8221 frequently. I have been buying bulk quanities of Tulammo in 8220spam cans8221 simply because it is affordable. Is the ammo the problem i have field stripped it, cleaned it, and lubed it with white litium grease thoroughly every time it8217s shot but it8217s still a problem at least once per 30 rnd. clip8230somtimes more Any suggestions Honestly it is probably the rifle, TGI has sometimes had spotty QC. Tulammo is about the same quality as any other RussianEastern European brand and what AKs should eat for breakfast. Just to cover all the bases, I would try some other ammo like Yugo or even U. S. made brass cased but I don8217t expect that much of a difference. Stovepipes normally would be an extractorejector issue. i have 1000 rnds of Golden Tiger on the way8230.i8217ll keep you posted. Dan AK47 world would agree that it IS the gun8230we shall see. Any other suggestions P A Figueroa says: Tim Please let us know if you were able to determine the the reason fot the jamming problem. I bought one which seems to have the same problem. Tim, I am also interested to know if you find the reason for the jamming problem. I bought one that seems to have the same issue. Do not use brass cased ammo in any AK that isn8217t a Yugoslavian or an Egyptian because sometimes it can rip tha brass cased shell apart inside the chamber steer clear of Yugo or Walmart brass 7.6221539 use steel cased ammo like the AK was designed to take I like golden tiger works fine no issues and not bad on the wallet Could the rear stock on the above firearm be changed to a collapsible stock such as the Tapco AK T6 Collapsible Stock Not on an AMD, it8217s folder is built into the rear of the receiver like underfolders, triangle, and polymer folders. East German, Romanian, and Polish wire folders (with a pronounced curve) go into the normal rear receiver and could be changed to a collapsible stock. No. MattCff. You wrong. it is 80 A block, what is fit in the end of the AMD and you can attach an Ace folding stock. I will look up who makes it. Your right, I forgot about the Krebs block. if you get the Krebs block at 90 and the ACE pig nose adapter, a buffer tube, and a M4 style stock you can have a folding collapsible stock. But he was asking specifically about a Tapco collapsible style standard rear trunnion setup (also VLTOR and CAA make a metal version) so my mind slips on the pretty expensive and rare Krebs option, sorry I see Well using a Krebs adapter. or even do a little modification will allow him to use different folding stocks. I had only problem with it, I was using a low setup scope, and the Krebs block almost knocked my teeth out I guess the other problem was I bought a short version of Ace stock. The UTG quad-rail system for 70 bucks is the best system for the AMD 65. Acts as my red dot mount, my Mako front grip mount, my laser mount and it still holds zero on both the red dot and laser after 500 rounds shot through it. No doubt the UltiMak system is nice, but it8217s way over-priced. What would of cost me over 400 for the UltiMak optics rail and replacement front grip(my AMD 65 cost me 450) instead the system I chose cost me 70 going UTG. I was weary of quality but not anymore. I8217m ordering from AMD65 site now, plan to buy the works. Love the AMD 65 by TGI, my favorite range gun now. I have a Romak and a Classic AK and the AMD 65 not only competes well in accuracy but it blows them away in every other category including the fun factor. Desculpa. The M7-B is only 98 bucks. I was looking at another optic piece from the same company for 220, and another that replaces the front rail forearm for 220. I did all this with the one 70 dollar UTG piece. I sure the M7-B works well. The Ultimak gas tube alone isn8217t really in the same class as the UTG Quad rail. Really it is a great method to forward mount a red dot or scout scope as low as possible. Where it really shines is for co-witnessing. I really don8217t ever recommend the lower tri rail because there are better options at that price point (at its time of release though it was almost the only quad rail in the game). But the gas tube upper alone rocks and allows you to be more closer to a traditional AK aesthetic. The UTG is a decent value quad rail for sure. A lot of people look down their noses at it without giving it a chance. However, it isn8217t a 922r countable part due to it being made in China. For a little more money you can upgrade to a Midwest Industries handguard that is more quality and is US made which helps with 922r. If you want to co-witness it has several optic specific uppers made in conjunction with US Palm. They also offer an extended version like the Ultimak lower, but at a better price point and a slick sided version with bolt on rails for only the place you need them. I think this system has the best chance of returning to zero after removing the gas tube for maintenance compaired to these other options of how its mounts to the barrel. However, I still wouldn8217t trust it as a true return to zero system. For that you need a something like an RS Regulate side mount (which, if you are into side mounts, rock) or a TWS dust cover (maybe a Parabellum Armament one too but I still want to see more independent testing). Actually, the UTG Quad rail for both the ARs and AKs are Made in USA. Mine is printed and stamped Made In USA. I8217m fairly certain it would qualify as a 922r part being it8217s made in the states. Not sure where you got that china nonsense. I do know some UTG products, such as a few soft cases I have are made in china but this specific item is not. For 922r on the AMD all one needs to do is replace gas piston, after-market muzzle brake and add a Tapco trigger andor pistol grip, most AMDs of which already come with all of these except the USA made piston. Honestly, leaving the AMD completely stock is the best thing to do. But I just didn8217t like the look or feel of the foregrip and after all mods were added I have had no issues with accuracy. My only gripe now is I can8217t find a soul that will remove and replace the AMD barrel. I have a new USA made chrome-lined barrel 12.5 and most gunsmiths won8217t even touch em. steven jennett says: I have an amd 65 ak and find it hard to put my face next to the stock. it also is short. It shoots great and a good buy for the money cosidering you get actual hungarian receiver, crome line barrel and front grip. I didnt like the dust cover hard to put on any one else have this problem It kicks like like a mule and loud gets looks at the range. I would like to buy a red dot scope but wasnt sure if it is worth getting or leave it the way it is. You can do a few things about the stock. You can go to the amd65tech site and grab the 35 dollar stock adapter as I did, really helps with aiming and feel. Here is a vid of it if links are allowed Or you can go the 250 dollar route and by the block, pin and custom folding stock. I don8217t have a link for those pieces but when I was debating on doing this I found them doing basic google searches. It added up to almost 300 bucks. The dust cover can be tough sometimes, just be mean with it. You have to hit that notch at an angle and drop and push in one motion and it sets in just fine. I put a basic recoil buffer in and that helps with kick, really you just need to get use to it. amd65tech has buffers to. I bought the ghost ring front sightpin add-on from amd65tech because I wanted more accuracy from the stock sights and it helped greatly. But I also wanted a reddot so I grabbed a Burris fastfire III on the UTG rail. The only downside using the UTG is you cannot in most cases co-witness the fixed sights to the reddot. For me this is meaningless being my Burris reddot is a quick detach and when I use my reddot no matter what firearm I never look at my fixed sights, only the reddot, but if co-witness is a must grab a rail system like the US Palm that allows this. But if you are not a big fan of reddots or you have never used one I would stick with the irons and maybe grab the front ring sight Gio sells at amd65tech. No matter what rail system you would use you need a quality reddot on a gun with so much recoil. So expect to spend 200-400 for a mountrail and good reddot, many spend more which I find crazy on a weapon that costs as little as 300. If you don8217t plan to add a light, laser, or new foregrip I would say no to a new rail and reddot with this gun. I have a very powerful light and a Mako foregrip so I needed a quad rail anyway and even though I love my reddot on this gun it was kind of a waste of money. This gun is a great short-mid range weapon, 25-250 yards, so fixed sights are good to go. It all comes down to if you like reddots. As for magnified optics the ONLY route there is buying the side mount system, no need for a aftermarket rail. Hi, Great article. I live in the Communist country of New York, I was wondering, To purchase an AMD-65, The stock can8217t folding one. I love the website amd65tech . Would it be possible to make it stay open Can you post a photo of the co-witness or e-mail it8230I can8217t imagine that or zeros would be that off from one another preventing me from seeing my front site post. The problem with mine is my front site post is too low and not visible through the vortex8230 Awesome article Joe Congratulation I was in the military and the original AMD 65 was my personal weapon along with a crap PA side gun. We spent lots of time on the shooting range. The targets we where shooting at: 100 yards Simple 10 paper target, had to shoot 47 out 5 shots 250 yards automated mimic human head, had to take it down in a short burst. 400 yards automated standing human mimic waist up, again with single short burst had to go down 800 yards an automated mimic helicopter also had to hit it with one single short burst. Every soldier had to qualify on these targets in our unit or they got transferred to some Bokor ugro (bush jumper) front line unit. We had no scope, or red dot sights kidding me didnt even existed Red Dot back then, and how long would have lasted a scope We used the gun the way it came out of FEG Its an awesome firearm the original does not rattle and such as described the TGI version. It is accurate enough. When ever we where in the woods for training exercise, we where hunting with it. We had roasted boar. IMO the 4-500 is way too cheap for AMD 65. Ugly gun yes, even the original gun lost the paint at the 1st training exercise, and old design yes, still how many AKs and AMDs out there. Still today lots of countries use this gun as the main firearm of their armed forces. You can ABUSE the AMD 65, mud, dirt, water, you name it only shake it load it and shoot it. If I remember correctly the muzzle velocity is in the 700ms range 7.62 ammo, its a handheld cannon. In war that would be my choice of weapon. If you think you can hide behind 12 solid concrete or a vehicle, or even 1 steel you are wrong. I know lots guns out there which are more accurate, and or longer range, but I dont think there is any gun out there which could take such beating as an AMD65 can take, and still singing the note you conduct. By the way the original clip holds 30 and we possessed extended clips as well. Easy to load the clips need no muscle like some other clips. Big . is tend to over heat on excessive use in a hands of an untrained shooter, why because you wont take down your target in a short burst, and you have to rain bullets on your target, reload repeat. Fix: carry fresh eggs once is overheated just break the eggs on the barrel breakfast served. Sincerely Laszlo mike barker says: I have an amd65 I love it. It8217s the greatest rifle I own it just sucks cause not alota options for it like different stock. I did find a dust cover with 3 rails mounted on it at aa-ok it was like 26 bucks so I have a holographic sight and laser on it now. Also if you are looking for one stay away from century arm int. They make pure junk I8217ve seen they8217re wasrs blow up and injure people also there cetmes are death traps they could careless bout things like head space and qualify for that matter. Tgi is the way to go Have one of the FEG receiver AMD658217s and have always been pleased with it. Yes, the paint does chip and it8217s LOUD. You need to take these guns for what they are and have realistic expectations. Mine has the wooden grips and only 20 round magazines are convenient. It8217s the ultimate cool gun at the range however 8- I have a FEG SA 2000 that will accept only ten-round magazines. I am reluctant to attempt any modifications on the piece to accept standard AK magazines. Where can I locate additional ten-round magazines for this rifle I was in military around 1980. most part wasn8217t painted but oil darkened.. barrel inside was hardchromed. we saw demonstration films, (movie) railroad track was shot trough in some conditions8230. the 30 round magazine we used. the 10 round magazine was used by sergeants and up.. we had to shot to 300 meter target, a bust.. yes it was possible to get very great result. most of us shot the target.. overall we loved this gun.. and still cant understand they stopped to produce.. im also little confused why folks welding the muzzler. it never came off. the pin held very securely. the handgrips were made not of wood, but polyamide, and it didn8217t break. they were same, for the simpler production.. the factory was a gas appliance factory actually, but was prepared in case war within a couple days transforming into gun manufacturing.. Leave a Reply Cancel replyHungarian AMD 65 AK-47 Type 7.62x39 Semi-Auto Hi-Cap Rifle w Original Polymer Grips Brutus Description We are so proud to offer this high quality AMD-65 variation AK rifle with original FEG receiver. Rifles are professionally finished and feature a new U. S. made barrel and highly desirable Tapco G-2 trigger group. This Side Fold ( AMD-65 Version ) features original black polymer grips with a wire folding stock, while our Fixed Stock ( AMD 63 Versions ) all have the original black polymer grips and a U. S. made stock. This variation ships with 1-30 round Tapco AK mag. Nota. These rifles are built from original surplus part sets. Metal components have been professionally parkerized to a like new finish however furniture is original and may show some rub or finish wear. Trust me though, overall these are nice. These rifles come to us with 1-30 round mag and so that is the way we ship them. However twenty round mags are original to the AMD rifle due to the front vertical grip making the 30s a little difficult to insert and extract. 30s will go in and out but must be maneuvered around the forward grip. However, you may also want to purchase a 20 round mag with this variation. The AMD series of AK rifle is lightweight. accurate, and highly maneuverable along with featuring what is probably the finest AK muzzle break ever designed. Very limited quantities. Get yours today. Manufacturers Description Hungarian FEG AK-47 Variant type 65 Semi-Auto Rifle. Completed Rifles built utilizing original FEG parts kits with FEG factory marked Heavy Wall Receiver and original furniture. New U. S. made barrels, U. S. Trigger sets by Tapco and U. S. Made High Cap Mag, Original Black Poly Pistol Grips Fore and Aft. Fully 922R compliant. Additional Information Specifications Original Hungarian ( Heavy Wall ) Stamped Receiver marked FEG New U. S. 16.5 Barrel (4140 chrome moly) AMD Style Muzzle Brake Tap Welded in Place. Tapco G2 3 Piece Trigger Group New 30rd Tapco U. S. Magazine Accepts hi-capacity magazines and drums Original side folding stock and pistol grips Matching numbers on all major parts 6.5 lbs. 37.5 Overall length, 27.5 with stock folded 7.62x39 caliber Country of Manufacture Purchased an amd-65 and amd-63 on the same order. They shipped very quickly to my FFL. They were both packaged very well and came with the advertised 30 round magazines. Fit and finish is very good on both. The US made barrels look very good, Bore is Great. No metal shavings inside, not oiled and ready to fire. The tapco g2 triggers are excellent. Folding stock on the amd65 is very solid and tight. Would recommend for sure Fantastic Side Folding AK Review by POGMarineFPS aka Johnny on 7252016 First off the Wire Stock is rugged and very stable, no wobble. Mag well is a big large but works just fine. It makes a nice truck gun, and very fun gun to have. Has an original Hungarian made FEG receiver. I am glade I got mine. Finish is not the greatest but the parts are outstanding quality. overall a great utility type ak Review by James on 2172017 just wanted again to say how nice it is to deal with classic. products are great and shipping is about as quick as possible. I have yet to fire the amd65. but upon un-boxing I can say this is a well made, very clean. not sure who builds these for cii, but they sure do a good job, parkerization is even and heavy duty. VERY impressed with the overall appearance and build quality. if it shoots as good as it looks. this is a really affordable option for those wanting to get into the AK game. will add a follow up review after shooting a couple hundred rounds. nice going classic Well worth the money, if you want a light truck gun AK buy it Review by Steven on 12242016 Classic was great to deal with. The rifle did come in a bit late because of the pending California Assault weapons law delaying my order by about five days, not a big deal. I initially paid 550 for it but the rifle went for sale for 500 a few days later. Classic was kind enough to give me a 50 credit, thanks for price matching I received the rifle, inspected it, went through the FFL paper work and received what I paid for plus the ten twenty round Korean metal AK mags I ordered for this rifle specifically. Lets start off by saying this. For this amount of 550 or less you are getting a stamped AK with military grade front and rear trunions, (I believe they are forged), good parkerized finish, at least on mine the bolt carrier group and front trunion have matching serial numbers, in a light weight package. Now this is not a standard AK by any means. Theres no bayonet lug, no cleaning rod lug, no side rail to mount a scope. This rifle has two purposes in my eyes, light weight close quarters defensive carbine and truck gun. If you can live without the frills such as no bayonet lug, cleaning rod, or side rail to mount a scope then this is the rifle for you I have only ran about eighty rounds through it. There was one failure to feed on the first magazine but after that it ran fine. I will say this, the trigger at least on my example is really light. When I first fired it it went off much sooner than expected. Some people may like that, however I like a heavier trigger around the 5 to 7 pound mark for a defensive rifle, I find slightly heavier triggers are easier for me to stage shots with. Regardless, at 50 to 60ft the rifle was shooting about point of aim and was grouping very well. The forward vertical assist works wonders for me and is very comfortable to use. I will say though the front end will start smoking after forty rounds in rapid succession. Also as others have noted, 30 round mags are a bit tricky to insert but the 20 round Korean mags are not that hard. I did have to modify the rear locking lugs of some of the Korean mags I bought by filing them lightly as they were too tight to lock into the mag catch and I did some minor filing on the mag catch also. Another thing to note, on this folding wire stock the rear is padded. Im not sure what the material is if its rubber or dense foam but it works and makes the gun very comfortable to shoot. Personally I held the rifle almost dead center with my arms folded inwards and I had a decent check weld on it. I find the stock as is to be comfortable but your millage may vary. Im 5 10. If youre above 6 foot I could see this rifle being a bit too small for you. Now granted I have only put in 80 rounds through it but on the basis of what Im seeing so far this is the best budget AK currently being offered. As I mentioned, as long as you dont mind the fact the AMD 6365 pattern is unconventional in its stock, shorter gas piston, and other features compared to the vast majority of AKMs buy this gun. It has an original FEG receiver with quality rivets, good front and rear trunions, quality bolt and bolt carrier. The only thing I would of done differently is put a 14 inch US barrel on it and welded the brake on to make it legal for US sale as a rifle. That should bring the overall barrel length to 16 inches. I like the original style front muzzle break and if the barrel was the original 12 inches it would make sense but at a 16 inches the muzzle break does make the gun rather front heavy. This is not overly so but its definitely noticeable. Thankfully the overall weight of the rifle is good so its not too much of an issue. So to summarize, this is an excellent rifle Buy it while Clearview Investments still has the parts kits on hand to assemble this AMD pattern rifle Dedicated to steel ammo Review by Alvin on 12162016 I mostly shoot in an indoor range which requires brass. No problems with the rifle except it destroys my brass cases so that I cannot reload them. Otherwise, I am very happy with it and will just dedicate to outdoor range use or other locations where I can use steel. The fit, finish, and function are great. The stock is a little loose folded but very rigid when locked back. If it didnt wreck my brass I would give it a five. I had planned to add a side mounting rail for optics, but since I dont need to worry about a brass catcher, that will probably go by the wayside. I recieved the plastic stock cover as well but will probably not install due to the wire cool factor and not going for optics. Good firearm at a great price. Easy purchase process on line and I love to watch the videos. Great buy Review by Wing2003 on 11302016 I got to the range with it. adjusted the sights. just great. This set up is just so simple, dependable and fun to shoot. Fed everything flawlessly. It just works. Yeah, the sights are kind of basic but hey. they work. If you want bells and whistles, go spend another 1300.00 But if you want an AK thats reliable, accurate and wont let you down, this is your AK. I mean, its insanely good for this or any other price. If youre looking for your first AK to get into the game, this is it. No regrets. Altamente recomendado. Pass the ammo AMD 65 is a fantastic rifle Review by billdozier on 10292016 I really cant believe that this rifle is priced so inexpensively relative to other AK builds. The quality is far beyond its price point. The finish is nice and even and everything is tight (for an ak). The FEG receiver is top of the line quality, all of the rivets were perfect and the bore is bright and shiny. If youre thinking about getting one of these, do it now before people discover this gem and they double in price. Plus the supply of these outstanding FEG receivers wont last forever Positive Review by Andrew on 10282016 The rifle shipped quickly and shipping was cheap. The rifle looks good and the quality is there but I have 3 minor issues. The first is the stock, it wobbles a bit which seems odd for AMD rifles. The second are the grips, they were scratched and rough on my hands so I put electrical tape on them. The last issue is the magazine wobble, all mags I have tried in the gun wobble, but none seem to malfunction so its not really a bad thing. Overall, Im extremely happy with it at 499 and I would buy another if I could afford it right now. Whats not to love Review by Tom on 10272016 Great gun. Anyone who is into ak variants should have one of these in their collection. I cant say enough about how much I like this gun. Lightweight, highly maneuverable, great trunk gun, and just plain fun to shoot. A lot of people dont like these beacause of the exposed gas tube and how hot it gets. But for me I dont really see the issue I wear a gloves when shooting anyway. Thanks classic. Great buy. Review by Joseph on 10232016 Thought Id better get an AK before the election. Classic firearms made the process seamless with easy purchasing and shipping process. Their packaging was first rate. The AMD 65 and accessories were exactly as advertised. The fit and finish is very nice. Make sure you clean any new gun before you fire it just like is always recommended. My 65 had a metal shard on the piston that could have caused trouble. The two grips dont match - one is used and the other is new - but the rest of the gun is great. The rear grip was loose and so easy to tighten. Took my new AK variant to my range and it runs on the cheapest Russian ammo that I can find without a single issue. Im very pleased with this purchase. Im impressed Review by Wing2003 on 1062016 Just got it yesterday. Stripped it down - examined and cleaned it. Very solid in and out. Workmanship looks very good. The finish. its there and I dont care ltggt Magazines are a little wobbly but feed and eject well. Will shoot it Saturday at which time I will most likely add the last star :) Very pleased with what I see. This kind of quality in an AK 47 at this price point. insane Id buy a crate if I could. Classic strikes again. EXCELLENT Oh, I bought the recoil buffer, a couple of steel mags and the add on stock. The add on stock is very adequate in case you want the wire arm for the cool but want the stock option. Couldnt be happier with this purchase. I mean really - at this price point Get em while you can :) Best AK deal around Review by DanMac on 1052016 First purchase with Classic. Overall very pleased. Ordered online, received in just 4 days, including weekend. Agradável. Rifle is super high quality build on Hungarian parts kit and feg, thick 1.5 mm receiver. Fit and finish is awesome. Parkerized finish looks very nice. Folding wire stock is super tight and locks up like a vault-- zero wobble, open or closed. Taco G2 trigger is really smooth. Mine is pretty accurate right out of the box, shooting through my own bullet holes at 15 yards, havent shot at any longer range yet. Wire stock is not uncomfortable to me, feels good, and rifle is really light, much lighter than any AK Ive shot. I was a little worried about the mag well (because these were originally made for single stacks) but no problem here, its perfect, all my mags fit tight, magpul mags, steel, Tapco smoothies, actually the tapco that came with it was the loosest of any, but still not bad. I love this rifles looks, some think its ugly, but I think it rocks, its a blue collar, utilitarian workhorse. I like having the vertical front grip, it works. Ive had zero issues with 30 round mag interference, 20s are cool but not necessary. Mine is solid, smooth action, safety lever is not too tight, no rattles. I did have 2 minor issues: My vertical front grip was a little loose, took a quarter turn with the screwdriver. The rear sight leaf was a little lopsided, apparently this not uncommon with AKs, though Ive never had this problem before. It was accurate the way it was, but it drove me nuts so I tweaked her a little, now its good. This one comes with the full length 16quot barrel and Hungarian muzzle brake--screwed on, not welded. I have no complaints with this gun or with Classic, thanks. I look forward to doing business with you again. Fav ak Review by Ralph cho on 9282016 Like this ak very much it is very accurate more than my polish and Romanian rifles I did move the front grip foward one inch which makes it much easier to remove 30rd mags also bought the plastic stock to get a good sight picture after my first three shots I had to walk up to see where was hitting to my surprise there were three holes touching in my 34quot bullseye couldnt believe it but there it was great rifle Review by franko69 on 9282016 The amd 65 is an awesome AK 47 variant, for the price, 499, it cant be beat. The prices of AKs are now higher than AR, s This rifle shoots with no problems, the mags rattle a little, but most aks do this. There is no problem using a 30 round magazine, the foregrip is no problem. The forend and grip can be replaced with an UTG forend with rails, that might look and function better. Classic Firearms delivers again, great prices and great service Cant beat it Review by Anthony R. on 9232016 First off this is my first purchase from Classic Firearms. I bought an AMD65. Really surprised at the quality of it. Side folder is tight, dust cover fit is very snug and over all build quality is very good. 1 day after I bought it they went on sale. Go figure huh. I called Classic to see if they would match the sale price. They said they would since the FFL hadnt received it yet. Sure enough they did just that. I got an email for a 50 credit back to my card. No argument no hassle. It is hard to find an on line merchant that will do that Fast shipping excellent price 500. No complaints here Thanks Classic, Ill be buying more from you Nice AK variant Review by jeff on 8182016 Classic service is 5 stars A I ordered this rifle Saturday and picked it up on the next Wednesday after work. The price came down after my online purchase. I was credited the difference. Outstanding service. Thanks Janet The rifle looks good. I do have a couple issues. The wire stock locks up perfectly when in use. Flops around badly when stowed. The magazines are looser then any AK I own or have used. I do have some Croation BHO mags that fit great. Plastic mags, Chinese, etc are very loose. If you are thinking about an AK - for the money - I recommend getting this one. Hoping to warm it up good this weekend. 5 stars so far. Review by J Smith on 7152016 Even though it took two weeks to get this gun. I love it so far. Ive made a couple upgrades cosmetically and plan to hit the range soon Glad I got one before they went out of stock. Stellar purchase Review by Micheal on 712016 Picked up my long awaited AMD65 from the FFL yesterday. Havent had a chance to warm it up yet, and will give further review after the initial range visit, but so far. VERY PLEASED Finish isnt what I consider 100, bit for a 500 heavy wall AK, its more than adequate. Fit is superb, not a loose rivet, component or cover to be found This thing is light as hell. My Century AK74 with full magpul furniture is heavier Love the folding stock, release is a bit tight but better than loose 20rd Korean mags fit excellent as does the tapco it came with. So far, very happy Something tells me this will be my quotgo toquot rifle if it shoots as well as Im hoping. Very pleased Review by Cole on 6142016 Very happy with the gun, very lightweight. Pretty accurate. Shipped quickly. Will most likely be purchasing another in the not to distant future. HOLY AMD BATMAN Review by ibberman on 4202016 Just picked up the AMD 65 yesterday. Havent had a chance to clean it or try it out yet. It was a good price considering the current market, and easily 200 less than any other folding stock AK Ive seen - such as Serbian M70AB2. Quality is on par with those that cost a bit more as well. Rifle has a nice (exterior) finish, and parts are straight. The folding wire stock is sturdier than it looks, and operates well. Slightly stiff, not sloppy. The model I purchased was imported with original Hungarian receiver, probably in a low capacity configuration. Appears to have been modified after import for accepting wider double stack mags. metal shavings still present inside the rifle - which is why Ill clean it out before using. One of the mag well dimples was partially ground off, not noticeable from the extetior, just a bit sloppy. Also, the magazines that I tried (so far just Tapco and Bulgarian polymer) fit, but with plenty of side to side movement. Typically the steel magazines are even narrower, which I havent tried any yet. As long as it functions this wont be a problem though. Until I have a chance to try it out I cannot give a full review. The most common variant of this rifle is the Romanian WASR, which has had a mixed reputation because of sloppy magazine well modification and misaligned parts. My experience is that the AMD65 has a worse magazine fit than a recent model WASR, although the fit amp finish may be a little bit nicer than the WASR. The WASR is about 130 more, and probably worth it based on current quality and a CHF chrome lined barrel. Also, the WASR has a side dovetail for otics, which anyone over 40 will appreciate. The WASR is probably the best buy for a current AK based on function. However, the AMD 65 is very compact amp lightweight. Its also very nice looking amp unique. This rifle has a new 16quot barrel, not the original 12quot barrel. Personally, I prefer the standard length barrel for accuracy, this rifle is still very compact when folded If it works, will be very much worth the price. As for the 30 round magazines, they fit just fine, even with the forward pistol grip. Perhaps the sloppy fit will help make the mag. changes, as long as they feed reliably and dont fall out. Therefore theres no need to invest in the 20 round magazines just for functionality reasons, though if someone wanted a more authentic look that would make sense also. AMD-65 was Good value Review by James on 2172016 have purchased a bunch of items from Classic. This ones finish left me feeling eh. the plastic pistol grips were a mess - chipped etc - expected as they state that clearly. Now, the finish in a supposedly new barrel was spotty at best, and the bolt carrier finish, once again spotty. Ill probably have to re-do these. Packaging also left a little to be desired, no box except for what it was shipped in and some paper thrown in to quottryquot to keep it in place, but it arrived unharmed. Now with those negatives out of the way, the sights are dead on, assemblyworkmanship seems good to very good. Nothing loose or pins coming out. Magazines fit great, steel or polymer, barely any wobble at all. The 20 round magazines classic also sells fit very snug and fed flawlessly. I purchased this to mostly have the FEG receiver, which was in good shape. I plan on getting a new 12.5quot chrome lined barrel and tacking the break to it to make it more quotoriginalquot. I planned on updating this anyway with aftermarket parts. As for the price I think it is the best deal for a hi cap AK variant out there at the moment. Great rifle, smooth action, twice the gun of my WASR 1063 Review by Mike B on 2112016 I sat on the sideline for over a year debating on buying this rifle. I purchased a WASR 1063 2 years ago and Ive had to do quite a few things to it to bring it up to par. This rifle was good to go right out of the box. Smooth action and straight front sights. I love the look and the feel of the rifle. Even my girlfriend noticed how much more smoother it was and the first thing she said was, quotI love these sites. much better than the WASR. So if youve been on the sideline hesitant, yes this rifle is worth the We love it. So glad we were able to get one. Thank you Classic Arms once again Very nice gun. Review by Wayne on 1222016 It looks like brand new and mostly is just that. Ive only had it a few days and cant wait to empty a few mags. If it shoots as good as it looks it will be a fine gun. Ill let you know how it shoots in a week or two. After cleanin, fired several hundred rounds with no issues Review by V. M on 1112016 Weapon was in great shape when unwrapped. after a good cleaning and a heavy coat of lube. fired several hundred rounds with out an issue. This weapon is light and after a short time, we were comfortable with the wire stock. In a confided space this is the weapon to have. We used metal mags they fit well with little wobble. The 20 round mags go in easy, 30s a little slower. Five starts for the weapon and Five starts for the staff. GREAT buy. Very nice clean rifle with issues Review by Joey P on 11252015 Rifle is very nice, and clean. looks unused. Unfortunately has a US made 16quot barrel (I knew this of course). Not sure why the 12.5quot barrel cant be put on with the welded muzzle break and extension but. Receiver does NOT match rest of the rifle (which all matches). Trigger pin and Hammer pin were loose. Still have to get in there to fix. I guess quality control isnt an issue when these get shipped out. Box it came in was very badly damaged. Not sure if thats an issue with Classic or not, but packing was nominal. Very nice rifle. Finish is very nice as well as the plastic. If it went for the pins mentioned, this would have got 5 stars. two pins loose. Cmon guys. My mind was blown Review by Austin on 9202015 When I opened this gun I was very surprised at the overall look The fit and finish was very nice. As well, I was a little worried that this firearm was going to be the usual parts kit quality, but Im 100 confident that this gun was never used before. It accepts all the magazines I have perfectly. Tapco smooth and standard side mags, croatian and yugo steel, promag and I. o. inc polymer, and the best so far are the korean 20 round steel mags I got from classic. They fit and shoot flawlessly. The gun shoots he great and surprised me on the accuracy. Definitely a must buy Good, but some problems Review by Miz on 932015 Overall, I really like my AMD-65. However, I had the following problems: First, and most importantly, after approximately 98 rounds, one of the trigger pins started to back out. This resulted in the safety lever not blocking the disconnector, and RESULTED IN THE WEAPON FIRING WITH SAFETY ON (with trigger pull). My safety selector is now quite bent. It did not result in the weapon doubling or firing without pulling the trigger. The root cause was a spring that is meant to sit in a groove in the trigger pinto keep it in place. There are apparently after market parts for this problem, and is somewhat common, given that this is a somewhat common AK problem in general, I raised my rating from 2 to 3 stars. After the first 100 rounds, my vertical foregrip is loose. Im sure this can be corrected easily. Other than the aforementioned issues, the gun runs flawlessly. I am able to insert 30 round (metal and poly) mags (korean, tapco, bulgarian) with no issues whatsoever. Im not a really experienced AK person, but the gas system may be over charged. The cases are thrown 20 feet outdoors. 5 stars to classic firearms for a great deal and fast shipping. Great rifle at a great price Review by Steve on 7222015 Very good rifle. I was surprised by the accuracy, even with the wire stock. Its very light and easy to hold steady even while rapidly firing. I had a few malfunctions but those were due to the surplus Croatian magazines I was using. Keep in mind that regular magazines will have a hard time fitting due to the foregrip being in the way. I knew this before I purchased the rifle so I cant complain. Drum magazines fit perfectly though. Light, Flat, and Fast Review by rwponline on 6142015 Great little AK, very flat (no wider than the receiver), very light (about 6.5 lbs), and very fast on target thanks to the vertical foregrip and massive flash hiderbrake. The side folding wire stock locks in both positions, and is quick to deploy or fold. The VFG does interfere with smooth mag changes when using 30 round mags (it was designed for 20 rnd mags), but if you dont mind doing some modifications it can be replaced, cut down, or moved forward. Check items to add to the cart or select all Brutus Description We are so proud to offer this high quality AMD-65 variation AK rifle with original FEG receiver. Rifles are professionally finished and feature a new U. S. made barrel and highly desirable Tapco G-2 trigger group. This Side Fold ( AMD-65 Version ) features original black polymer grips with a wire folding stock, while our Fixed Stock ( AMD 63 Versions ) all have the original black polymer grips and a U. S. made stock. This variation ships with 1-30 round Tapco AK mag. Nota. These rifles are built from original surplus part sets. Metal components have been professionally parkerized to a like new finish however furniture is original and may show some rub or finish wear. Trust me though, overall these are nice. These rifles come to us with 1-30 round mag and so that is the way we ship them. However twenty round mags are original to the AMD rifle due to the front vertical grip making the 30s a little difficult to insert and extract. 30s will go in and out but must be maneuvered around the forward grip. However, you may also want to purchase a 20 round mag with this variation. The AMD series of AK rifle is lightweight. accurate, and highly maneuverable along with featuring what is probably the finest AK muzzle break ever designed. Very limited quantities. Get yours today. Manufacturers Description Hungarian FEG AK-47 Variant type 65 Semi-Auto Rifle. Completed Rifles built utilizing original FEG parts kits with FEG factory marked Heavy Wall Receiver and original furniture. New U. S. made barrels, U. S. Trigger sets by Tapco and U. S. Made High Cap Mag, Original Black Poly Pistol Grips Fore and Aft. Fully 922R compliant. Additional Information Specifications Original Hungarian ( Heavy Wall ) Stamped Receiver marked FEG New U. S. 16.5 Barrel (4140 chrome moly) AMD Style Muzzle Brake Tap Welded in Place. Tapco G2 3 Piece Trigger Group New 30rd Tapco U. S. Magazine Accepts hi-capacity magazines and drums Original side folding stock and pistol grips Matching numbers on all major parts 6.5 lbs. 37.5 Overall length, 27.5 with stock folded 7.62x39 caliber Country of Manufacture Purchased an amd-65 and amd-63 on the same order. They shipped very quickly to my FFL. They were both packaged very well and came with the advertised 30 round magazines. Fit and finish is very good on both. The US made barrels look very good, Bore is Great. No metal shavings inside, not oiled and ready to fire. The tapco g2 triggers are excellent. Folding stock on the amd65 is very solid and tight. Would recommend for sure Fantastic Side Folding AK Review by POGMarineFPS aka Johnny on 7252016 First off the Wire Stock is rugged and very stable, no wobble. Mag well is a big large but works just fine. It makes a nice truck gun, and very fun gun to have. Has an original Hungarian made FEG receiver. I am glade I got mine. Finish is not the greatest but the parts are outstanding quality. overall a great utility type ak Review by James on 2172017 just wanted again to say how nice it is to deal with classic. products are great and shipping is about as quick as possible. I have yet to fire the amd65. but upon un-boxing I can say this is a well made, very clean. not sure who builds these for cii, but they sure do a good job, parkerization is even and heavy duty. VERY impressed with the overall appearance and build quality. if it shoots as good as it looks. this is a really affordable option for those wanting to get into the AK game. will add a follow up review after shooting a couple hundred rounds. nice going classic Well worth the money, if you want a light truck gun AK buy it Review by Steven on 12242016 Classic was great to deal with. The rifle did come in a bit late because of the pending California Assault weapons law delaying my order by about five days, not a big deal. I initially paid 550 for it but the rifle went for sale for 500 a few days later. Classic was kind enough to give me a 50 credit, thanks for price matching I received the rifle, inspected it, went through the FFL paper work and received what I paid for plus the ten twenty round Korean metal AK mags I ordered for this rifle specifically. Lets start off by saying this. For this amount of 550 or less you are getting a stamped AK with military grade front and rear trunions, (I believe they are forged), good parkerized finish, at least on mine the bolt carrier group and front trunion have matching serial numbers, in a light weight package. Now this is not a standard AK by any means. Theres no bayonet lug, no cleaning rod lug, no side rail to mount a scope. This rifle has two purposes in my eyes, light weight close quarters defensive carbine and truck gun. If you can live without the frills such as no bayonet lug, cleaning rod, or side rail to mount a scope then this is the rifle for you I have only ran about eighty rounds through it. There was one failure to feed on the first magazine but after that it ran fine. I will say this, the trigger at least on my example is really light. When I first fired it it went off much sooner than expected. Some people may like that, however I like a heavier trigger around the 5 to 7 pound mark for a defensive rifle, I find slightly heavier triggers are easier for me to stage shots with. Regardless, at 50 to 60ft the rifle was shooting about point of aim and was grouping very well. The forward vertical assist works wonders for me and is very comfortable to use. I will say though the front end will start smoking after forty rounds in rapid succession. Also as others have noted, 30 round mags are a bit tricky to insert but the 20 round Korean mags are not that hard. I did have to modify the rear locking lugs of some of the Korean mags I bought by filing them lightly as they were too tight to lock into the mag catch and I did some minor filing on the mag catch also. Another thing to note, on this folding wire stock the rear is padded. Im not sure what the material is if its rubber or dense foam but it works and makes the gun very comfortable to shoot. Personally I held the rifle almost dead center with my arms folded inwards and I had a decent check weld on it. I find the stock as is to be comfortable but your millage may vary. Im 5 10. If youre above 6 foot I could see this rifle being a bit too small for you. Now granted I have only put in 80 rounds through it but on the basis of what Im seeing so far this is the best budget AK currently being offered. As I mentioned, as long as you dont mind the fact the AMD 6365 pattern is unconventional in its stock, shorter gas piston, and other features compared to the vast majority of AKMs buy this gun. It has an original FEG receiver with quality rivets, good front and rear trunions, quality bolt and bolt carrier. The only thing I would of done differently is put a 14 inch US barrel on it and welded the brake on to make it legal for US sale as a rifle. That should bring the overall barrel length to 16 inches. I like the original style front muzzle break and if the barrel was the original 12 inches it would make sense but at a 16 inches the muzzle break does make the gun rather front heavy. This is not overly so but its definitely noticeable. Thankfully the overall weight of the rifle is good so its not too much of an issue. So to summarize, this is an excellent rifle Buy it while Clearview Investments still has the parts kits on hand to assemble this AMD pattern rifle Dedicated to steel ammo Review by Alvin on 12162016 I mostly shoot in an indoor range which requires brass. No problems with the rifle except it destroys my brass cases so that I cannot reload them. Otherwise, I am very happy with it and will just dedicate to outdoor range use or other locations where I can use steel. The fit, finish, and function are great. The stock is a little loose folded but very rigid when locked back. If it didnt wreck my brass I would give it a five. I had planned to add a side mounting rail for optics, but since I dont need to worry about a brass catcher, that will probably go by the wayside. I recieved the plastic stock cover as well but will probably not install due to the wire cool factor and not going for optics. Good firearm at a great price. Easy purchase process on line and I love to watch the videos. Great buy Review by Wing2003 on 11302016 I got to the range with it. adjusted the sights. just great. This set up is just so simple, dependable and fun to shoot. Fed everything flawlessly. It just works. Yeah, the sights are kind of basic but hey. they work. If you want bells and whistles, go spend another 1300.00 But if you want an AK thats reliable, accurate and wont let you down, this is your AK. I mean, its insanely good for this or any other price. If youre looking for your first AK to get into the game, this is it. No regrets. Altamente recomendado. Pass the ammo AMD 65 is a fantastic rifle Review by billdozier on 10292016 I really cant believe that this rifle is priced so inexpensively relative to other AK builds. The quality is far beyond its price point. The finish is nice and even and everything is tight (for an ak). The FEG receiver is top of the line quality, all of the rivets were perfect and the bore is bright and shiny. If youre thinking about getting one of these, do it now before people discover this gem and they double in price. Plus the supply of these outstanding FEG receivers wont last forever Positive Review by Andrew on 10282016 The rifle shipped quickly and shipping was cheap. The rifle looks good and the quality is there but I have 3 minor issues. The first is the stock, it wobbles a bit which seems odd for AMD rifles. The second are the grips, they were scratched and rough on my hands so I put electrical tape on them. The last issue is the magazine wobble, all mags I have tried in the gun wobble, but none seem to malfunction so its not really a bad thing. Overall, Im extremely happy with it at 499 and I would buy another if I could afford it right now. Whats not to love Review by Tom on 10272016 Great gun. Anyone who is into ak variants should have one of these in their collection. I cant say enough about how much I like this gun. Lightweight, highly maneuverable, great trunk gun, and just plain fun to shoot. A lot of people dont like these beacause of the exposed gas tube and how hot it gets. But for me I dont really see the issue I wear a gloves when shooting anyway. Thanks classic. Great buy. Review by Joseph on 10232016 Thought Id better get an AK before the election. Classic firearms made the process seamless with easy purchasing and shipping process. Their packaging was first rate. The AMD 65 and accessories were exactly as advertised. The fit and finish is very nice. Make sure you clean any new gun before you fire it just like is always recommended. My 65 had a metal shard on the piston that could have caused trouble. The two grips dont match - one is used and the other is new - but the rest of the gun is great. The rear grip was loose and so easy to tighten. Took my new AK variant to my range and it runs on the cheapest Russian ammo that I can find without a single issue. Im very pleased with this purchase. Im impressed Review by Wing2003 on 1062016 Just got it yesterday. Stripped it down - examined and cleaned it. Very solid in and out. Workmanship looks very good. The finish. its there and I dont care ltggt Magazines are a little wobbly but feed and eject well. Will shoot it Saturday at which time I will most likely add the last star :) Very pleased with what I see. This kind of quality in an AK 47 at this price point. insane Id buy a crate if I could. Classic strikes again. EXCELLENT Oh, I bought the recoil buffer, a couple of steel mags and the add on stock. The add on stock is very adequate in case you want the wire arm for the cool but want the stock option. Couldnt be happier with this purchase. I mean really - at this price point Get em while you can :) Best AK deal around Review by DanMac on 1052016 First purchase with Classic. Overall very pleased. Ordered online, received in just 4 days, including weekend. Agradável. Rifle is super high quality build on Hungarian parts kit and feg, thick 1.5 mm receiver. Fit and finish is awesome. Parkerized finish looks very nice. Folding wire stock is super tight and locks up like a vault-- zero wobble, open or closed. Taco G2 trigger is really smooth. Mine is pretty accurate right out of the box, shooting through my own bullet holes at 15 yards, havent shot at any longer range yet. Wire stock is not uncomfortable to me, feels good, and rifle is really light, much lighter than any AK Ive shot. I was a little worried about the mag well (because these were originally made for single stacks) but no problem here, its perfect, all my mags fit tight, magpul mags, steel, Tapco smoothies, actually the tapco that came with it was the loosest of any, but still not bad. I love this rifles looks, some think its ugly, but I think it rocks, its a blue collar, utilitarian workhorse. I like having the vertical front grip, it works. Ive had zero issues with 30 round mag interference, 20s are cool but not necessary. Mine is solid, smooth action, safety lever is not too tight, no rattles. I did have 2 minor issues: My vertical front grip was a little loose, took a quarter turn with the screwdriver. The rear sight leaf was a little lopsided, apparently this not uncommon with AKs, though Ive never had this problem before. It was accurate the way it was, but it drove me nuts so I tweaked her a little, now its good. This one comes with the full length 16quot barrel and Hungarian muzzle brake--screwed on, not welded. I have no complaints with this gun or with Classic, thanks. I look forward to doing business with you again. Fav ak Review by Ralph cho on 9282016 Like this ak very much it is very accurate more than my polish and Romanian rifles I did move the front grip foward one inch which makes it much easier to remove 30rd mags also bought the plastic stock to get a good sight picture after my first three shots I had to walk up to see where was hitting to my surprise there were three holes touching in my 34quot bullseye couldnt believe it but there it was great rifle Review by franko69 on 9282016 The amd 65 is an awesome AK 47 variant, for the price, 499, it cant be beat. The prices of AKs are now higher than AR, s This rifle shoots with no problems, the mags rattle a little, but most aks do this. There is no problem using a 30 round magazine, the foregrip is no problem. The forend and grip can be replaced with an UTG forend with rails, that might look and function better. Classic Firearms delivers again, great prices and great service Cant beat it Review by Anthony R. on 9232016 First off this is my first purchase from Classic Firearms. I bought an AMD65. Really surprised at the quality of it. Side folder is tight, dust cover fit is very snug and over all build quality is very good. 1 day after I bought it they went on sale. Go figure huh. I called Classic to see if they would match the sale price. They said they would since the FFL hadnt received it yet. Sure enough they did just that. I got an email for a 50 credit back to my card. No argument no hassle. It is hard to find an on line merchant that will do that Fast shipping excellent price 500. No complaints here Thanks Classic, Ill be buying more from you Nice AK variant Review by jeff on 8182016 Classic service is 5 stars A I ordered this rifle Saturday and picked it up on the next Wednesday after work. The price came down after my online purchase. I was credited the difference. Outstanding service. Thanks Janet The rifle looks good. I do have a couple issues. The wire stock locks up perfectly when in use. Flops around badly when stowed. The magazines are looser then any AK I own or have used. I do have some Croation BHO mags that fit great. Plastic mags, Chinese, etc are very loose. If you are thinking about an AK - for the money - I recommend getting this one. Hoping to warm it up good this weekend. 5 stars so far. Review by J Smith on 7152016 Even though it took two weeks to get this gun. I love it so far. Ive made a couple upgrades cosmetically and plan to hit the range soon Glad I got one before they went out of stock. Stellar purchase Review by Micheal on 712016 Picked up my long awaited AMD65 from the FFL yesterday. Havent had a chance to warm it up yet, and will give further review after the initial range visit, but so far. VERY PLEASED Finish isnt what I consider 100, bit for a 500 heavy wall AK, its more than adequate. Fit is superb, not a loose rivet, component or cover to be found This thing is light as hell. My Century AK74 with full magpul furniture is heavier Love the folding stock, release is a bit tight but better than loose 20rd Korean mags fit excellent as does the tapco it came with. So far, very happy Something tells me this will be my quotgo toquot rifle if it shoots as well as Im hoping. Very pleased Review by Cole on 6142016 Very happy with the gun, very lightweight. Pretty accurate. Shipped quickly. Will most likely be purchasing another in the not to distant future. HOLY AMD BATMAN Review by ibberman on 4202016 Just picked up the AMD 65 yesterday. Havent had a chance to clean it or try it out yet. It was a good price considering the current market, and easily 200 less than any other folding stock AK Ive seen - such as Serbian M70AB2. Quality is on par with those that cost a bit more as well. Rifle has a nice (exterior) finish, and parts are straight. The folding wire stock is sturdier than it looks, and operates well. Slightly stiff, not sloppy. The model I purchased was imported with original Hungarian receiver, probably in a low capacity configuration. Appears to have been modified after import for accepting wider double stack mags. metal shavings still present inside the rifle - which is why Ill clean it out before using. One of the mag well dimples was partially ground off, not noticeable from the extetior, just a bit sloppy. Also, the magazines that I tried (so far just Tapco and Bulgarian polymer) fit, but with plenty of side to side movement. Typically the steel magazines are even narrower, which I havent tried any yet. As long as it functions this wont be a problem though. Until I have a chance to try it out I cannot give a full review. The most common variant of this rifle is the Romanian WASR, which has had a mixed reputation because of sloppy magazine well modification and misaligned parts. My experience is that the AMD65 has a worse magazine fit than a recent model WASR, although the fit amp finish may be a little bit nicer than the WASR. The WASR is about 130 more, and probably worth it based on current quality and a CHF chrome lined barrel. Also, the WASR has a side dovetail for otics, which anyone over 40 will appreciate. The WASR is probably the best buy for a current AK based on function. However, the AMD 65 is very compact amp lightweight. Its also very nice looking amp unique. This rifle has a new 16quot barrel, not the original 12quot barrel. Personally, I prefer the standard length barrel for accuracy, this rifle is still very compact when folded If it works, will be very much worth the price. As for the 30 round magazines, they fit just fine, even with the forward pistol grip. Perhaps the sloppy fit will help make the mag. changes, as long as they feed reliably and dont fall out. Therefore theres no need to invest in the 20 round magazines just for functionality reasons, though if someone wanted a more authentic look that would make sense also. AMD-65 was Good value Review by James on 2172016 have purchased a bunch of items from Classic. This ones finish left me feeling eh. the plastic pistol grips were a mess - chipped etc - expected as they state that clearly. Now, the finish in a supposedly new barrel was spotty at best, and the bolt carrier finish, once again spotty. Ill probably have to re-do these. Packaging also left a little to be desired, no box except for what it was shipped in and some paper thrown in to quottryquot to keep it in place, but it arrived unharmed. Now with those negatives out of the way, the sights are dead on, assemblyworkmanship seems good to very good. Nothing loose or pins coming out. Magazines fit great, steel or polymer, barely any wobble at all. The 20 round magazines classic also sells fit very snug and fed flawlessly. I purchased this to mostly have the FEG receiver, which was in good shape. I plan on getting a new 12.5quot chrome lined barrel and tacking the break to it to make it more quotoriginalquot. I planned on updating this anyway with aftermarket parts. As for the price I think it is the best deal for a hi cap AK variant out there at the moment. Great rifle, smooth action, twice the gun of my WASR 1063 Review by Mike B on 2112016 I sat on the sideline for over a year debating on buying this rifle. I purchased a WASR 1063 2 years ago and Ive had to do quite a few things to it to bring it up to par. This rifle was good to go right out of the box. Smooth action and straight front sights. I love the look and the feel of the rifle. Even my girlfriend noticed how much more smoother it was and the first thing she said was, quotI love these sites. much better than the WASR. So if youve been on the sideline hesitant, yes this rifle is worth the We love it. So glad we were able to get one. Thank you Classic Arms once again Very nice gun. Review by Wayne on 1222016 It looks like brand new and mostly is just that. Ive only had it a few days and cant wait to empty a few mags. If it shoots as good as it looks it will be a fine gun. Ill let you know how it shoots in a week or two. After cleanin, fired several hundred rounds with no issues Review by V. M on 1112016 Weapon was in great shape when unwrapped. after a good cleaning and a heavy coat of lube. fired several hundred rounds with out an issue. This weapon is light and after a short time, we were comfortable with the wire stock. In a confided space this is the weapon to have. We used metal mags they fit well with little wobble. The 20 round mags go in easy, 30s a little slower. Five starts for the weapon and Five starts for the staff. GREAT buy. Very nice clean rifle with issues Review by Joey P on 11252015 Rifle is very nice, and clean. looks unused. Unfortunately has a US made 16quot barrel (I knew this of course). Not sure why the 12.5quot barrel cant be put on with the welded muzzle break and extension but. Receiver does NOT match rest of the rifle (which all matches). Trigger pin and Hammer pin were loose. Still have to get in there to fix. I guess quality control isnt an issue when these get shipped out. Box it came in was very badly damaged. Not sure if thats an issue with Classic or not, but packing was nominal. Very nice rifle. Finish is very nice as well as the plastic. If it went for the pins mentioned, this would have got 5 stars. two pins loose. Cmon guys. My mind was blown Review by Austin on 9202015 When I opened this gun I was very surprised at the overall look The fit and finish was very nice. As well, I was a little worried that this firearm was going to be the usual parts kit quality, but Im 100 confident that this gun was never used before. It accepts all the magazines I have perfectly. Tapco smooth and standard side mags, croatian and yugo steel, promag and I. o. inc polymer, and the best so far are the korean 20 round steel mags I got from classic. They fit and shoot flawlessly. The gun shoots he great and surprised me on the accuracy. Definitely a must buy Good, but some problems Review by Miz on 932015 Overall, I really like my AMD-65. However, I had the following problems: First, and most importantly, after approximately 98 rounds, one of the trigger pins started to back out. This resulted in the safety lever not blocking the disconnector, and RESULTED IN THE WEAPON FIRING WITH SAFETY ON (with trigger pull). My safety selector is now quite bent. It did not result in the weapon doubling or firing without pulling the trigger. The root cause was a spring that is meant to sit in a groove in the trigger pinto keep it in place. There are apparently after market parts for this problem, and is somewhat common, given that this is a somewhat common AK problem in general, I raised my rating from 2 to 3 stars. After the first 100 rounds, my vertical foregrip is loose. Im sure this can be corrected easily. Other than the aforementioned issues, the gun runs flawlessly. I am able to insert 30 round (metal and poly) mags (korean, tapco, bulgarian) with no issues whatsoever. Im not a really experienced AK person, but the gas system may be over charged. The cases are thrown 20 feet outdoors. 5 stars to classic firearms for a great deal and fast shipping. Great rifle at a great price Review by Steve on 7222015 Very good rifle. I was surprised by the accuracy, even with the wire stock. Its very light and easy to hold steady even while rapidly firing. I had a few malfunctions but those were due to the surplus Croatian magazines I was using. Keep in mind that regular magazines will have a hard time fitting due to the foregrip being in the way. I knew this before I purchased the rifle so I cant complain. Drum magazines fit perfectly though. Light, Flat, and Fast Review by rwponline on 6142015 Great little AK, very flat (no wider than the receiver), very light (about 6.5 lbs), and very fast on target thanks to the vertical foregrip and massive flash hiderbrake. The side folding wire stock locks in both positions, and is quick to deploy or fold. The VFG does interfere with smooth mag changes when using 30 round mags (it was designed for 20 rnd mags), but if you dont mind doing some modifications it can be replaced, cut down, or moved forward. Check items to add to the cart or select all

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